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Wednesday 6 October 2010

My Canadian pie

.... if only my dear friend Lisa could have been here for a cooking afternoon !

So autumn is there with its lot of pumpkins and nuts......and here is my new invention...

What you need:

1 pâte sablée / pastry
15 cl de sirop d'érable/ 15 cl marple syrup
150g noix pécan/ 150g Pecan nuts
50 g beurre fondu/ 50g melted butter
50g sucre roux/ 50g brown sugar.
4 oeufs/ 4 eggs

How to proceed:

1: Préchauffer le four 180°/ heat the oven 180°
2: briser la moitié des noix /smash half of the nuts
3: mélanger les oeufs, le sucre et le beurre et le sirop/ mix the melted butter with the eggs and sugar and the syrup
4: disposer les brisures de noix et recouvrir du mélange/ put the smashed nuts on the pastry and cover with the mixture.
5: décorer avec les noix entières/ put the nuts on top
6: cuire 40 minutes / cook during 40 minutes.

Enjoy !